Saturday, August 20, 2011

Another chapter

Honey has been doing his masters degree at night, and I have filled up my evenings with lots of tasks in order to keep myself busy and not constantly bother him.  Well, he is finally done with school, and I haven't yet wrapped my head around the fact that I will have a husband once again!  I am so used to my routine, that I am not even sure how it should change or what I can let go in order to create more "us" time.  I do some work at night that I could move to a bit earlier, and of course the time spent on random computer tasks can be cut pretty easily.  Some other stuff needs to be thought through - food prep can maybe be done during the day with the kids... But clearly, I will need to streamline my evening to take advantage.  It seems a bit crazy that I'm even thinking about this, but really, I'm worried we will continue to sit back to back at our computers and I'll not want to bother him since he's "working".

To help make the transition, we are taking a whole week for just our family.  We'll be doing some day trips and touristy things around the area - things that we have been talking about for a long time and never gotten to do.  It should be great fun and very exciting, but since we have never really done this, I'm a little apprehensive about all of this togetherness.  It's too early in our children's lives to have gotten so wrapped up in their stuff that we completely forget about ours - like empty nesters who no longer have anything to talk about when their kids move out.  On the other hand, we have had a project of some sort (together or individually) for most of our marriage, and this will be the first time that we are project free and are just living.  I wonder if we will get back to those deep conversations like those late nights early in our relationship.  I think I'd like that.

So this week, we have crazy plans - all kinds of dinosaur related outings, zoos, hiking, butterflies... we are trying to cram it all in, have fun doing it, and continue our potty learning journey (day 5 I think of underpants!) with Pumpkin all at the same time.  We even have a night out just for us planned mid week.  I think we are asking for a lot, but as long as we can all relax and remember that this is a vacation and if we just don't make it to all of the planned stops, it's totally OK.  We've already decided that if we miss some stuff we really want to do, that we will actually plan it for another time.  I think it just seems like we have to get everything done in this week since we never have had any other time to do these kinds of touristy stuff.  I need to remember that we will not have the issue of Honey having to get home and write a paper or whatever.  It seems crazy to be stressed about all of this - OK, it doesn't seem crazy - it actually is crazy.  I'm going to go lie down and breathe and relax about our vacation!

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