So I woke on my birthday morning, and Peanut said “mommy where’s your card?” right away. We went into the kitchen and there were cards for me! A sweet one from honey (with pictures of the soon to arrive garden beds and pea pole - yes, I am a gardening geek!) and a wonderful artistic one from the kids. Peanut was so pleased with “her card” and showed me where she had signed it. It actually looks kind of like letters, and Honey told me that as she was writing, she was saying the letters of her name. This struck me since we really don’t “do” letters – clearly, she still picks up on them. I said I was impressed that she wrote her name all by herself. She looked at me earnestly and said, “you can write your name by yourself tomorrow.” Yeah.
We went out for Japanese that night - a first for the kids, and an experiment for me. I have been avoiding soy since we discovered that it triggered some really awful reflux in Pumpkin early on. Peanut thoroughly enjoyed the experience - she had some little dumplings and edamame ("mommy, they are just like m-n-m's!") and the waitress made
her a balloon dog. She tried an avocado roll, but had a tough time biting through the seaweed. Pumpkin slept through the first half of the meal, and when he woke, Peanut said "Oh Hi! We're having Japanese! Want some?". He ate some chicken, rice and some veggies with gusto. It seems that the soy was fine for us - Pumpkin and I had no ill effects, so it was a successful and delicious meal. Back at the house, Honey had a cake for me - not too sweet and very yummy!
As far as sleeping in, well... Peanut got sick, Honey's family came into town, my milk supply dropped and Pumpkin started waking every two hours again... Sigh. Someday!
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